Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Provider + ACLS COURSE FOR FREE 9-10/3/2022



2 years ago

Course Description:

The Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) program can teach you a systematic, concise approach to the care of a trauma patient. ATLS was developed by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Committee on Trauma (COT)

Its courses provide you with a safe and reliable method for immediate management of injured patients.  The course teaches you how to assess a patient’s condition, resuscitate and stabilize him or her, and determine if his or her needs exceed a facility’s capacity.

It also covers how to arrange for a patient’s inter-hospital transfer and assure that optimum care is provided throughout the process. If you don’t treat trauma patients frequently, an ATLS course provides an easy method to remember for evaluation and treatment of a trauma victim.


Course Objectives:

Assess the patient’s condition rapidly and accurately
Resuscitate and stabilize the patient according to priority
Determine if the patient’s needs exceed a facility’s capabilities
Arrange appropriately for the patient’s definitive care
Ensure that optimum care is provided


Target Audience:

The target audience includes physicians in various specialties


Course Time : 

Two full days from 7 AM to 7 PM



The American College of Surgeons and SCFHS

For Registration:


وقت الحدث:

  • بداية الحدث: Wed, March 09, 2022
  • نهاية الحدث: Thu, March 10, 2022
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