Continuing Education & Training



Training aims to increase the efficiency of employees in KSUMC to a degree that enables them to perform their duties to the best of their abilities, through attending training courses or seminars that may be compulsory upon nomination by the direct supervisor of the department concerned, or the Scholarships and Training Department with the intention of exploring experience in a public or private body, whether at home or abroad


In the light of the actual training needs, and cooperation and coordination with the competent authorities, and work to follow up the implementation of plans and programs adopted, transmitted after training

Compile the applications and sent to training bodies concerned
Follow-up of trainees during training and to provide officials with periodic reports on the progress of their training
Coordinate with all agencies involved with training and scholarship

Training - Follow-up and Training:

Compile the applications and sent to training bodies concerned
Follow-up of trainees during training and to provide officials with periodic reports on the progress of their training

:Training - Relations and Coordination

In the light of the actual training needs, and cooperation and coordination with the competent authorities, and work to follow up the implementation of plans and programs adopted, transmitted after training
Coordinate with all agencies involved with training and scholarship


Study and identify training needs for employees
Proposing plans and programs necessary to provide a training opportunity
Follow-up regulations adopted in the work and make suggestions for its development
Simplification of work procedures and the design and development of the models used and the preparation and updating procedures manual
Collect information on employees and the creation of an information system through which the collection and tabulation and save all the information that helps management in the performance of its plans and programs

:Development - Quality Control

Follow-up regulations adopted in the work and make suggestions for its development
Simplification of work procedures and the design and development of the models used and the preparation and updating procedures manual
Collect information on employees and the creation of an information system through which the collection and tabulation and save all the information that helps management in the performance of its plans and programs

:Development - The study and planning

Study and identify training needs for employees
Proposing plans and programs necessary to provide a training opportunity

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