Publishing policy at the gate of King Saud University - Medical City electronic is a means of electronic publishing -mail to all employees and medical city sectors and should be used for the benefit of the medical city and its employees and its different sectors and not prejudice in any way the reputation of the medical city and its employees or expose them to liability . So be sure to follow the policies mentioned in the publication of this document .
Copyright: All content published in the pages of the portal must comply with copyright This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Research published in scientific conferences and journals.
- Books and literature available electronic formats.
- Any electronic material is owned by the owner of the page and have a copyright.
Inappropriate content: This content includes the following:
- What has a racist or threatened, whether text or image or idea.
- What is contrary to the regulations of the State and the university or community norms.
- Observing the rules of the language used to create the page , or electronic article and ensure safety and free of errors.
Modern information: Be sure to update the content of the pages and different materials so as to ensure timeliness time of the visit. This includes news, contact information, phone numbers and e-mail and the description of the material and other information.